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What's Included:
  •  5 video trainings from me, with exercises for you to put into practice
  • ​6 weeks of my feedback and coaching on your progress updates
  • 6 live Q&A sessions with me where you can ask me any relevant questions 
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) session with Gemma Bennett in the group, taking the edge off the feelings that come with the fear of judgement
  • Connection with women on the same adventure- years of experience tells me group work has a magic of its own

    Keri Jarvis.

    Keri is The Audacity Coach. She's leading a reclamation of "Who Does She Think She Is?!", inspiring and supporting women to locate, and activate their personal autonomy, and access the benefits of their alliance with one another.
    She's the Founder of Do It Like A Mother, a business she sold in early 2020, and an experienced, yet wildly uncertified coach.
    Since 2018, more than 100 women have completed her Thrive Like A Mother programme.
    She's a Speaker, Retreat Host, & Book Addict. Vegan but not preachy about it. Socialist. Feminist. Mother. Swearer. Think those are the key details nailed tbh. 

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